8 Favorite TV shows
1. CNN...I am a bit of a news junkie (I know...NERD ALERT)
2. Amazing Race
4. Heroes
5. Prison Break
6. Mystery Diagnosis (I missed my calling in life I think..they medical shows fascinate me!)
7. Inside Brookhaven (the weight loss hospital)...(I know...it creeps everyone else in my family out)
8. Funniest Home Videos (Can't EVER go wrong with funny animals and multiple crotch shots!!!)
8 Favorite Songs
***Wow*** I can only choose 8???
1. Lady Antebellum "Looking for a Good Time"
2. Due West "Sweet Gravity"
3. Mr. Mister "Kyria"...have to be OLD to know that one!
4. Yaz...."Only You"
5. Dixie Chicks "Landslide"
6. Almost anything by Erasure or any other sweet 80's band....
7. Sydney Parker and Becca Nelson "Somewhere There's a Mountain" Nashville Trib Band
8. Jacqueline Bauer "Firm in the Faith"
8 Favorite Restaurants
1. PF Changs
2. Outback Steakhouse
3. Costa Vida
4. Taco Del Mar
5. Red Robin (yummiest fries ever!!!)
6. Coldstone (does that count as a restaurant?)
7. El Te Nampa
8. Truthfully....anything I DON'T cook!!! :)
8 Favorite Movies
1. Better Off Dead
2. Forever Strong
3. Kung Fu Panda
4. Lord of the Rings (Trilogy)
5. The Princess Bride (Inconceivable!!!)
6. The Sound of Music
7. Hairspray
8. Twilight...when it comes out! I am sure I am going to LOVE it!!!!
8 Things that happened yesterday
1. I slept in!!! Yahoo for no school
2. Took my sweet kidlets to lunch at...Taco Del Mar
3. Took Mitch to an ortho apt!
4. worked on Moon Hee's rag quilt (yahoo almost done)
5. thought alot....
6. went grocery shopping....yahoo....food in the house is a good thing!
7. Took Mitch to FB practice and went back and got him
8. Went to be early....didn't even watch the news! Wowzers!
8 Things I am looking forward too
1. Living in a new house on our property! Hopefully soon!!!
2. My Mom and Dad coming this weekend for a few days! yahoo....early Christmas!!!
3. Putting up my Christmas tree's early....for #2. :) Any excuse will do!!!
4. Mitch's LAST JV football game on Thursday!!! Yahoo....ready for a break from JV football!
5. being creative again
6. deciding what to do with all my free time! Maybe start doing weddings again??? Take photography class with Shandy and/or Kristy???
7. snow!!! I know...you all hate me...but I LOVE the snow!!! Canuck at heart I tell ya!
8. a NEW YEAR!!! Hopefully with more happy times and success' than this year!!!
8 Things on my wish list
1. 50 mm 1 1:8 lens for my Canon 30D
2. Snappy flash for my canon 30D
3. A new house...nestled cozily on a picturesque acre lot overlooking the mountains
4. An acre lot...in a developed sub that we can finally build on!!! Come on...please hurry!!!
5. a NEW to me Suburban. I am not greedy...anything from '04 on!!!
6. a new TV! Ours is on its VERY last leg!!! And I mean that!!!
7. Money to buy a new TV!!! :)
8. for my family to be happy and healthy...and get along with each other!!! PLEASE!!!!
8 people I tag....
1. Shandy
2. Laurie
3. Greta
4. Deanna
5. JeNeale
6. MeKayla
7. Rita
8. Melissa
caught my eye + deals 2.28.25
6 days ago
You really are SO COOL!!!
Heart Ya!
yay!!! im one of your favorite songs!!! I'm honored!! hhaha
Oh my word Lynette I could watch Mystery Diagnosis all flipping day! Anything on Discovery Health for that matter...
You finally updated your blog!! It's about time! I learned a lot about you from this post! Glad to know I'm not the only who doesn't like to cook! I'm happy for you that you get to move into a new home -- it's always fun to start fresh in a new place. The only common TV show we have both like is ANTM -- I'm all over that one!! Its on tomorrow! Have a good day - and I'm jealous you got to sleep in. I get one day a week to sleep in, Friday, and my dogs inevitably ruin it by barking outside! Q
yes jac i fully agree you are the BEST!!!
how fun to learn some more stuff about you!! we've grown apart over the last few years.. it was a good refresher of who and what you really like these days! (ok.. totally laughing at myself on that last comment -- somewhat true but didn't need to be so melodramatic! hehehhe)
I left you an award on my blog (home one) AND I finally did your tag from like years ago! You can't tag me again until I tag you. It's the rule. :)
Love ya~
Come and see me!!
Because I need decorating suggestions and Melissa isn't here :)!
hahahahaha sydney is a higher rank on my moms songlist than you soooooo hahahahah!!!
So happy to see a post from you! And I'm really glad your mom and dad will be visiting your little family soon. Grandma and Grandpa visits for your kiddos are the very best.
Okay...I'm one you tagged so now that my %^&* internet connection is back, look for my 8 random things soon.
Happy Halloween!
How fun.Always fun to see what is going on with you guys. I myself have become a little bit of a "House" fan. Not that I get to watch T.V. that much, but if it is on, that is one show that I will actually sit down and watch.
I miss your guts!!! It's fun to read all about YOU!!!
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