Saturday, July 14, 2007

New Additions to the Family!

What can I say....I am such a softie when it comes to baby kittens! Sheesh! I went to Walmart for milk and Miracle Grow...and look what I came home with! This darling little girl was with me...and she spotted a family giving these kittens away. And worse than kittens...I am a softie when it comes to my daughter begging and pleading! Her kitty Nemo just ran away...well, he was lead by his testicles I am sure...either way he is gone! And she has been sooo lonely! I just could not say no! So, I said yes...and the little girl we got them from was happy they were going together that she started crying! It was sooo sweet! Her and Sydney were like kindred spirits! Pretty funny!

So...long story short...we have two cats again! We will see how long it lasts. With our cat is almost surely a death sentence. I think we are in the 40's plus...for number of cats had since we got married. It is nearly 17 years...but still! I had the same cat for like 12 years growing up. So it is really pretty pathetic. Hopefully these will last!

Their name are Beauty (a girl) and the Beast (a boy). Sydney named them. Pretty cute huh!!!


Steven Reeder said...

What do you do, put poison in the cat food?

They look cute though, and my kids are dying for some pets. Jeong Hwa wants to buy them a dog, but I know everyone will eventually get tired one day, and I will have to step up and take care of it... I have absolutely no desire to take care of any animal! (must be trauma from my ranch experiences) I told everyone they could buy a dog if they promise to never ask me to do anything with it. So far no one has brought it up again. I suggested bunnies because they are cute and the kids can cuddle them and when they get big enough, viola, we have a stew. It beats killing an animal just because we don't want it anymore. It is better to eat it than make it road kill!

I am starting to sound mean, so I will stop.

Congrats on the new kitties!

Corinna said...

Cute kittens!
Your daughter looks like she is about to burst with happiness.
Just look at that smile, how could you resist. LOL.